I was fairly disappointed by the dirty (dusty, gritty), shopworn (torn, crumpled, dented) product packaging. The tools were secured to their cardboard package with twist ties, and several of these were missing. I guessed that the package had been purchased before, not only because of the missing ties but because the package was taped together with packing tape.
To compound the problem, the outer amazon box had been poorly packed. The tools came in a far-too-big box with just a few folds of brown paper as cushioning. I have received other, much less expensive items from Amazon (health bars or face cream) packed quite securely with long loops of inflated bags as cushioning. It was weird to receive these heavy items sliding around in a big box. It made the box hard to handle and may have been at least part of the reason why the packaging looked so beat up. The tools themselves were not damaged. I wouldn't have cared quite as much if the purchase hadn't been intended as a gift. :-/
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