CulinHome Decor Collection 7-Inch JAX Santoku Knife

CulinHome Decor Collection 7-Inch JAX Santoku KnifeI've had this knife for over 2 years, I sharpened it at home once yesterday and it's better than new. It's perfectly balanced between the blade and the handle, it feels solid and well built, I have since bought the whole set and every knife is great. I've used $100 dollar chef's knives and countless cheap knives and these knives are up with the best of them.

great knife for slicing and chopping. the most used knife in my house.not a heavy knife but also heavy enough to easily controll.edge is great it has only needed a steel to keep it in perfect shape.

Buy CulinHome Decor Collection 7-Inch JAX Santoku Knife Now

It is not a fancy knife that you may dream of, but it is a very nice knife the needs honing from time to time. I have a collection of knifes some of them are much more expensive and I find myself using this knife very often. Highly recommended.

Read Best Reviews of CulinHome Decor Collection 7-Inch JAX Santoku Knife Here

I bought the whole set of these knives since my new kitchen now has a knife magnet so i figured i'm going to get some gorgeous knives! well it think it's best they just sit there and not get used since when you wash them they rust like crazy. pretty disappointed but luckily they weren't expensive..i guess you get what you pay for. made in china so what did i expect?

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