Chroma Type 301 Designed By F.A. Porsche 5 inch Utility knife

Chroma Type 301 Designed By F.A. Porsche 5 inch Utility knifeWell... looking at it you'd think there'd be a lot to say, but there isn't. This is a nice quality and unusual looking knife. The feature you and I all notice is that pointy tail end, but it isn't really, the tail is flat and normal knife width. It's just that the handle is more hand shaped, more shaped to hold, rather than shaped round the tang of the blade, as normal knives are. So it looks unusual, but it works well. I bought this as a test and I don't regret it.

Purely as a kitchen knife, this is a decent knife in a moderately useful size. Bigger than a paring knife (you can pare with it a little if you have big hands), mainly useful for light slicing, could also serve as a steak knife. The direction of the handle is opposite to most knives; that's good or bad depending on the angle of the job. For continuous slicing, I'd say a traditional handle is better suited, but for light use this is fine. I wouldn't let children use it; it has no tang to protect fingers from the blade, and it likes to turn upside down with the sharp edge in the air when you set it down.

Let's face it, you'd buy this one for the unique design, not for utility. It looks cool and the construction is interesting, and it feels different to hold steel with hard edges, rather than a wood or plastic handle. My main objection to the design is the ridiculous amount of text printed on the blade, on both sides. It's supposed to be a clean design, but the text detracts from that. I mean for goodness' sake, I know what I bought, I don't need the knife to tell me TWICE in capital letters that it's "design by FA Porsche" and "Chroma", and also "pure 301 steel" and "P 19", and finally "type 301" in giant letters.

Buy Chroma Type 301 Designed By F.A. Porsche 5 inch Utility knife Now


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