CounterArt Botanicals Flexible Cutting Mat, Set of 2

CounterArt Botanicals Flexible Cutting Mat, Set of 2These cutting mats are very pretty and look nice in my kitchen. Their price is very reasonable. I love flexible mats for cutting since they make transfer of prepared food to your bowl or pan so easy. These mats definitely fulfill that purpose. My main concern is that knives cut into the mat a little more easily than some mats that I have previously used; therefore, extra care in cleaning may be necessary. All-in-all I am reasonably satisfied and would recommend them.

I like the flexible mats because they make it easy to scoop chopped stuff into a pot, then are easy to thorougly wash. I am using a second one under my tea kettle as an easy clean beverage prep area. The one I cut on is starting to show scratches, but then I have had it a few months.

Buy CounterArt Botanicals Flexible Cutting Mat, Set of 2 Now


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