Maverick MM-5501 Mince Master 575-Watt Meat Grinder, White

Maverick MM-5501 Mince Master 575-Watt Meat Grinder, Whiteyou have to know how to use it, in addition to understanding how to grind meat on a less than professional meat grinder. Those of you who have written terrible reviews on this product, do not know how to properly grind meat on low cost machines and you came in with expectations too high. I assure you if you simply shove hunks of meat in this machine any old way and expect it to grind, it will not. It might even clog and break.

A $1500 professional meat grinder will almost grind any meat you feed into it without worry. Home use grinders do not. That is why they are a fraction of the cost. You must have reasonable expectations, and in the end, befriending a local butcher who will custom grind your meat might be the best option for you.

Here are some rules to grinding beef on this grinder, as well as most other home use grinders.

1) Make sure you trim the filmy connective tissue off your cuts of meat. If you don't, they will wrap around the grinding spool, clog the holes in the grinding wheel and cause problems.

2) Cut your meat into small 1 to 1.5" pieces. No larger!

3) Very important! Never ever put meat into this type of grinder unless it is very very cold. Almost frozen, but not quite frozen. It should be very firm, but not hard like a rock. Put your meat in the freezer for at least an hour, no more than two before grinding. Another tip would be to take apart the grinding spool, blade and grinding wheel, and keep them in the freezer until you need to use them. Assemble and use. Keeping the grinding parts of this machine cold helps too, especially when you get to the fatty pieces.

4) Use the larger course grinding wheel, especially you are using fatty pieces of meat. You can run it through again on a smaller grinding wheel for a finer grind if you wish.

5) Feed the fattier pieces of meat in first, especially when making burger patties. If you run them through at the end, they may become to warm and start to smear, which is not what you want. They can also clog the holes in the grinding wheel. You want firm speckled pieces of fat in your ground beef for best flavor results.

6) If the meat starts coming out more slowly after halfway through, you might be getting some clogging due to smearing of fat. Stop and take apart the spool, blade and wheel to clean.

7) Slowly push the meat down the feeding tube, do not shove it down with force. This machine will actually grind about a pound per minute if you let it. forcing causes clogging.

I know this seems like a lot of trouble, but it really isn't. Lean cuts of meat like chicken breast are much easier to work with. It is the fattier pieces of meat that you have to use more care with. It was 35 years ago when I last worked in a steakhouse as a butcher. I remember how those machines worked. You could feed almost anything into them at almost any temperature and you would get great grinds. Commercial machines are designed that way. Home machines work fine for the occasional grind of meat as long as you know how to use them.

Hope this helps in your decision.

This was a BIG mistake! The grinder is very cheaply made, and I mean VERY.. I got things all ready to grind some meat, turned it on and it spit out 5 or 6 meat grindings and then made a horrible noise. I quickly turned it off, and took the grinder apart. Meat was wrapped around the screw (the one that turns to push the meat out, which had to be cut off very slowly with a knife and pair of scissors. After finishing that long task, I saw at the end of the grinder screw that the plastic nut was cracked in 4 places(which explains why I had plastic chunks in the few strands of meat that did come out). It hadn't been cracked when I put the grinder together. I had a huge mess to clean up, not to mention all the aggravation I went through with . I absolutely DO NOT recommend this product.

Buy Maverick MM-5501 Mince Master 575-Watt Meat Grinder, White Now

This meat grinder works really good. We've only used it once so far, but it ground the meat nice. We ground around 10 pounds of meat in just a few minutes. We were impressed by how good it worked.

Read Best Reviews of Maverick MM-5501 Mince Master 575-Watt Meat Grinder, White Here

I bought another meat grinder that got good reviews on Amazon but it didn't work well for my purpose--grinding chicken necks for dog food. I ended up selling it to a hunter after I used it once. Then I bought this Maverick and have used it four or five times with no problems--it is excellent for grinding chicken necks. Do not put the aluminum pieces in the dishwasher on sanitize setting however--they will end up dark with a powdery coating that comes off on your hands.

Want Maverick MM-5501 Mince Master 575-Watt Meat Grinder, White Discount?

i have owned this grinder for 1 1/2 years. i grind whole chicken up with no issue for my dogs. all chicken bones have gone thru with no problem. you need to have REALLY cold meat and cut it up to appropriate sizes. i just got thru grinding 6 split breasts and 8 10 thighs with no issues. i ground up frozen green beans along with the chicken and that was no problem either. i take all the skin off so if you tried grinding that i have no idea what would happen.

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