Ikea Grundtal 16" Magnetic Knife Rack Stainless Steel Kitchen Storage Tool Holder Strips Bars

Ikea Grundtal 16' Magnetic Knife Rack Stainless Steel Kitchen Storage Tool Holder Strips BarsI love the magnetic knife bar...it is of excellent quality and looks amazing in my kitchen but....I do believe the photo accompanying this ad, the use of the word "bars" and the plus signs in between the three pics was a little deceiving as the only thing you get here is one 16" silver magnetic bar. I thought that I would be getting the wood looking bar up top, the silver magnetic knife bar and the magnetic strip bar with hooks you see holding the pot holders. Maybe its me being over picky but shouldn't the pic of the item being sold be JUST of the item being sold and not with all the plus signs and the use of the word "bars"? Kinda makes me feel like I did not get the deal I thought I was getting!


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