Best Manufacturers Pastry Pro Dough Blender 6-inch with Blue Handle

Best Manufacturers Pastry Pro Dough Blender 6-inch with Blue HandleThe name fits, this is the Best Pastry Blender. It's like a small potato masher, with the strength that suggests. We had two previous pastry blenders that tended to bend and twist. One use of this little brute and the others went to Goodwill, and good riddance.

I have a kitchen full of gadgets and most my wife just rolls her eyes about but the first time she used this she couldn't say enough about it. Now a year later she still says how much she prefers it over our other pastry cutters (which have all been thrown out...)

Buy Best Manufacturers Pastry Pro Dough Blender 6-inch with Blue Handle Now

I have other products by Best Manufacturers and have been quite happy with them so far. However, this pastry blender has not quite lived up to the name. I like the handle and long upright position but the the flat bottom has only hindered my success in adequately cutting fat into the dry mixture. In a round bowl the cutting blades don't fully make contact with the surface, leaving butter somewhat untouched and sometimes taking some pretty deep gouges out of the bowl surface. If the bottom had a more rounded cutting area this would be the perfect product for me. Until then, I am going to need to look somewhere else.

Read Best Reviews of Best Manufacturers Pastry Pro Dough Blender 6-inch with Blue Handle Here

Like the other reviewers before me, I found this gem of a kitchen device and have never looked back. It is the BEST pastry blade/blender I've ever used. I make pies regularly and making a crust is easy thanks to this tool. It's good for making guacamole, too!

Want Best Manufacturers Pastry Pro Dough Blender 6-inch with Blue Handle Discount?

Excellent product. Well made, sturdy construction. Cuts through butter quickly and easily. Doesn't get clogged up either. I highly recommend this product.

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