I was initially disappointed with this product, well not this product per se but glass cutting boards in general. To be "blunt" they will destroy the edge on any knife. Yes they are harder than steel and will even ruin a ceramic knife and quite quickly too. There is however a trick to it that makes them usable. You must cut so the knife meets the glass on a glancing angle preferably ~22 degrees. This is a common sharpening angle. Since the actually angle will rarely be 22 degrees your knives may still require sharpening more often. And yes, your cuts can be started straight, but must end on an angle. This means that you can only use this type of board to cut materials where you can control the contour of the cut or where such an angled cut is acceptable. No chopping. I bought it for cutting meats because a glass board can be easily cleaned. That's all I use it for now because of the issue with the knives. No ceramic knife on these boards, ever, no way, no how. I give the product 4 stars because they don't warn you about this up front.

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