These champagne sabres ARE NOT ENGRAVED, so there is plenty of space for your name or cave. But they are real.
I first met the traditional sabre used for whisking off the corks of champagne bottles from Colonel Frances, who lives across the road. He was preparing one of the glories of Gascony, the Pousse Rapiere, or Sabre Thrust. This is sparking wine and Armagnac over pruneaux d'Agen (preserved plums).
Laguiole is the traditional knife making place in France. The gentle curve of this sabre from heel to tip is the echo of the sabre. If you want to learn how to use this beautiful blade to dazzle your guests, please practice wearing the protective gloves made to be resistant to blade slashes. And no sipping before hand.
However, what I like about this particular sabre is that it need not be relegated to display. You will notice the flat of the blade is nice and wide. Perfect for cutting the duck sausage that is traditionally served along with Champagne for your aperitif. The lions in their dens will tremble at your approach.It was for my son for his birthday. he loved and showed off his Champagne opening to celebrate his birthday.
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