Endurance Stainless Acrylic Grapefruit Double Knife

Endurance Stainless Acrylic Grapefruit Double KnifeOn the double bladed end of this tool, the blade tips are very firmly pressed together. How does one straddle a grapefruit's membrane with that? I tried prying them apart a bit, but they don't hold that position; they slam back shut. If I did magically manage to straddle it and attempt to draw it along the membrane, the serrations either tore through it or snagged some fruit and dragged it away. Hey! I wanted that fruit! It would have essentially been just as effective had I grabbed a cleaver and started hacking away maniacally at the grapefruit.

Honestly, I should have recorded my experience because it was rather humorous... sort of like those Snuggie commercials where some daft individual couldn't figure out how to wrap a regular blanket or robe around herself, but was restored to sanity when presented with the Snuggie and its built-in arms. Except I can't imagine even the most dexterous of individuals making the use of this grapefruit tool appear effortless. (Though apparently some did. I might benefit from viewing one of those videos, too!)

The other end's curved and serrated edge is marginally more functional at releasing the peripheral edge of the grapefruit section, but frankly I found it MUCH faster to use a small, sharp knife to run along both sides of each membrane, then using a plain (or grapefruit) spoon to nom it.

The serrated spoon I also bought Stainless Steel Endurance Grapefruit Spoons,Set of Two works very well and, once you become adept at using it, is just fine for separating the fruit from the membranes without the use of this reviewed product, the Endurance Grapefruit Double Knife.

This knife is absolutely perfect for cutting under the fruit in half a grapefruit and then cutting it into sections to be scooped out with a spoon. The double blade on the sectioning end works wonders, making a nice slice on either side of the membrane between each section. I am very impressed.

Buy Endurance Stainless Acrylic Grapefruit Double Knife Now

This knife is perfect. I don't even like grapefruit; bought it for my wife and I like it so much that I insist on preparing her grapefruits for her. If you eat grapefruit you need this knife.

Read Best Reviews of Endurance Stainless Acrylic Grapefruit Double Knife Here

We love grapefruit but finding a good knife that salvages as much fruit as possible isn't always easy. This tool serves 2-3 functions nicely. It separates segments cleanly and cuts from the pith of the skin nicely, it also can be used to scoop the segments out of the shell if you prefer to serve in a dish. Amazon price beats the competition.

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Endurance Stainless Acrylic Grapefruit Double Knife

One end of this double ended knife consists of two parallel blades used to straddle the membrane separating two fruit sections. The other end is a curved blade used to separate the fruit from the rind. It works well. It only takes a few seconds to prepare a half grapefruit. The knife isn't accurate enough so that you can shake the fruit out of the shell, but it certainly makes it easier and more pleasant to eat with a spoon. I have been using one for 4 or 5 years now and since the blades cannot be sharpened, I ordered a couple to keep in reserve.

A small thing, indeed, but nice to have if you like grapefruit.


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