There are several things that really disappointed me personally on these knives. First, I expected the quality to be better, there were light "ribbed" machine marks on the blades and the words "Cowboy Living" etched onto the blades as well, neither of which is seen in the picture (a little too self promotional cheesy for me). The side of the box that they come in includes labeling in big, bold letters reading "Knifes" not "Knives" as it does on the front and back of the box. I mean, c'mon, really?! Next after it was too late, I discovered that the "Cowboy Living" website sells them for $39.95 instead of the $59.95 that they still price them at for Amazon customers. So basically Cowboy Living charged me 50% more for using Amazon! Also, they aren't Prime so none of that difference is going to shipping as you will read next. As far as shipping goes, the boxed knives were shipped in a padded envelope rather than a box. These knives have some real weight to them and a corner of the box was crunched a little and showing through the envelope. Again, really, a padded envelope for mailing a box of metal through the USPS?!
The only thing that kept me from returning these items is that they were a gift for someone really into western decor and I didn't learn of the price difference and other issues until it was too late. I really wanted these to be very cool, but they fell short, maybe they would be if the blade was finished a little better instead of adding a logo, the packaging was spelled correctly and then shipped in a proper box all for a fair price.
Lastly if you can get past everything mentioned above, know that good or bad these are big, beefy knives. Picture smallish hunting knives that had serrations and very shiny handles put on them, I'm talking about how you could put them in a sheath on your hip and you will be the dandiest dude on the cattle drive.
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