Excalibur 9 Tray Dehydrator with 26 Hour Timer + Preserve It Naturally Book + Paraflexx Premium Reu

Excalibur 9 Tray Dehydrator with 26 Hour Timer + Preserve It Naturally Book + Paraflexx Premium Reusable Sheet 14X14 + Knife Set 7PC with Pine Block + Bamboo Toast Tong - 6.5 Inch LongOur first trial was a qualified success. The dehydrator works great, in spite of me.

Just a simple warning...... Make sure your items are cut uniformly. There is no forgiveness for sloppy cuts in dehydrating.

The unit is well made and the bundle was very useful and informative.

After several years of consideration I finally decided to purchase the Excalibur. I love to cook. I try to prepare healthy and nutritious meals with quality ingredients. My main reason for purchasing this was that I wanted to dehydrate fruits and veggies to have as healthy snacks. I also want to be able to eat many fruits and veggies in raw snack form for it's nutritional value. I'm not a raw foodist, but I try to eat many raw meals and having the Excalibur makes it much easier to have these healthy raw snacks. You can regulate the temperature on the Excalibur to ensure you are eating "raw." After just a few uses I can see it's so much better then my previous bargain store bought dehydrator, which had no such temperature feature, or timer. I also prefer the square trays to round (as some other brands have) because they seem to hold more food.

I received it 6 days ago and I've already made teriyaki kale chips, ranch style kale chips, fruit & yogurt leather, sweet potato chips, cauliflower chips, banana chips, and dehydrated some blueberries. I love the timer feature because you can basically "set it and forget it" (even though the first couple of times I used it, I kept peeking inside!)

Buy Excalibur 9 Tray Dehydrator with 26 Hour Timer + Preserve It Naturally Book + Paraflexx Premium Reu Now


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