Thomas O'Brien by Reed & Barton Austin Bee Stainless Steel Spreaders, Set of 4

Thomas O'Brien by Reed & Barton Austin Bee Stainless Steel Spreaders, Set of 4Seem to be good quality. Bought these as a test to determine whether or not to spring for 8-10 place settings...I suppose I can't avoid CHINA printed on some things and I will not buy Chinese made anything if I have a choice. In this case, the word CHINA is boldly etched onto the blade. Some makers print nothing on some flatware pieces, but this maker prints in-your-face on each piece. I don't want to be reminded each time I see a piece, that I violated my own "rule" to buy nothing made in China. So, no more purchases of this line made by our economic adversary and probably, someday, our serious military, economic and social enemy.

These are heavy and very nice. They feel really good in my hand and seem well-made and built to last.

Buy Thomas O'Brien by Reed & Barton Austin Bee Stainless Steel Spreaders, Set of 4 Now


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