Farberware 8-Inch x 10-Inch Poly Board With 3.5-Inch Resin Parer and Sheath, Green

Farberware 8-Inch x 10-Inch Poly Board With 3.5-Inch Resin Parer and Sheath, GreenIt was dislike at first sight when I saw that the packaging is that sharp plastic kind of shell that has to be cut away with scissors and the product has to be pried out. Then I saw the stickers on the front and back. These weren't the simple kind you can just pull off cleanly with one try. No. They're the kind of stickers that pull off, paper first, then there's a gob of adhesive that you have to peel off in pieces until you finally get down to the last smear of adhesive that has to be held under steaming hot water and soaked in detergent -and even then, it was a struggle to get the goo off. It probably doesn't help matters that the good is on a textured surface that holds the goo at varying depth. This removal process took at least twenty minutes and I was not a happy camper. I don't know what kind sadist designs those adhesive systems but I wish s/he would get fired fast.

Now about the size: Yes, I read the dimensions but I purchased anyway hoping the color trim and handle-hole weren't included in those numbers. I was hoping it was cutting surface. Nope. It's the whole cutting board, and notice that there are rounded corners, reducing the cutting surface even more. I'm sure I'll be looking for replacements for these boards, but I'll use them while I shop around because at least they're not all sliced up like my old boards.

The knife had nothing to do with my decision to buy these. I doubt I'll ever use the knives so I can't include anything about them in my review except to say they are attractive if you have a green-accented kitchen like I do. I also like the shade of the trim on the boards. It's accurately represented on the product page.


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