Perfect Fries One Step French Fry Cutter

Perfect Fries One Step French Fry CutterIf you do not possess the strength of at least 10 professional bodybuilders, then I do not recommend this product. The effort I wasted trying to cut a potato could have been utilized more efficiently by just cutting some slightly lopsided fries with an actual knife. I had to soften the potato in the microwave for about 2 minutes before I could cut it with the Perfect Fries, resulting in slightly mushy potato chunks after baking them in the oven. Seriously, just don't buy this.

There is a line in the instruction which claims the amount of force needed depends on the size and hardness of the potato. For most people a quick and easy swipe would be small potatoes, pre-soaked. I used medium sized un-soaked potatoes and pounded the top several times with my hand to get some really nice looking fry cuts. It beats going to the gym. The instructions say to cut off the rounded part of the potato for a flat bottom, you might try a flat top also. Flat top, flat bottom pre-soaked (or rotting) small potato, works great.

Made in China where steel, lead, and plastic come together for fine products to ship to America. I bought mine for $9.98 on impulse in Walmart located in the "As Seen on TV" section for suckers. Mine is currently sitting on my porch with a potato jammed in it waiting to rot so I can use it again.

Recipes inside!

UPDATE: As it turns out the potato wasn't jammed, the device was slightly cocked. It was jammed together. It is now in the landfill.

Buy Perfect Fries One Step French Fry Cutter Now

This product is extremely difficult to takes body builder strength to get the potato through the machine. I had to put all my weight on it and lean into it to use it. Although, once it got through the machine, perfect french fries came out!

Read Best Reviews of Perfect Fries One Step French Fry Cutter Here

Broke after the 1st use. Impossible to use. Potatoes kept getting stuck in it. The cutting grate kept coming out. Useless!

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I'm not sure what all the bad reviews are about--my son and I just prepared a huge bowl of fries to soak. We used large russet potatoes straight out of the bag--took just a few minutes, him rinsing, me slicing. We did no other prep, except to slice out a few eyes.

I'm 50--and no bodybuilder. But not once did a potato not get cut with one push. I did have to press down hard with two hands as the instructions say. But a quick whoosh, and I had a nice handful of fries.

The only glitch we had was on the 3rd to the last potato--a thin slice of potato got caught between the two pieces of the cutter, and made them very difficult to separate--it wedged them together--so we'll need to be careful about that in the future.

But for a cheap slicer, it worked like it said it should. I was actually very impressed.

Cheapness and that one glitch are the only things that keep it from 5 stars.


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