Norpro Magnetic Lid Wand

Norpro Magnetic Lid WandNorpro Canning Lid Wand.

If you're still using the ol hot dog tongs to pick up jar lids, you know what a pain it can be to just get one lid out of a pot of boiling water!

This is the PERFECT tool for the job! Worth every penny.

Picks up one lid everytime without fail.

No more sore fingers/hands from using tongs. No more droped/ruined lids!

Regardless if you do a little or alot of canning this little tool IS A MUST HAVE!

Wish I would have bought one of these little jems years ago!

Anyone that cans needs this tool. I can reach into the scalding water with this wand and pick up a lid, then place it on the can. Wow, no burns. It is a lot better than trying to fish out a lid with a fork (my old way). It helps to keep everything sterile while canning.

Buy Norpro Magnetic Lid Wand Now

The magnetic end came off the first time I used the wand. The company contacted me and replaced the wand. I will certainly try it the next time I can this summer. I appreciate Coast TrueValue for the replacement.

Read Best Reviews of Norpro Magnetic Lid Wand Here

This little gadget worked really well for me. I have used tongs in the past and this is much easier. Right out of the hot water onto the jar, real easy.

Want Norpro Magnetic Lid Wand Discount?

this was very helpful when I do canning instead of using my fingers to get the lids out of hot water.

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