Global G-12 - 6 1/2 inch, 16cm Meat Cleaver

Global G-12 - 6 1/2 inch, 16cm Meat CleaverI use this cleaver regularly when cutting chicken up including chopping through bones when prepping for stock. It works very well, is a great weight, heavy enough to cut without becoming tiring. I have brought it with me half way around the world, which should speak for it usefulness.

It chops bones, bangs through half frozen carcasses when necessary and is worth every penny.

Above is my original review, now I must amend that. The cleaver broke in half. No, I didn't use it drive nails or cut rebar. The thickest bones it ran into would be in a pork chop. Not even a thick cut pork chop at that. But it split in half just above the handle just where the transition to the blade occurs. Quite surprising and totally unacceptable for a product of this price range. If you see one cheap at a yard sale, buy it. Otherwise, don't bang your bank balance too deep.

I have, sadly, totally revised my view of Global and their quality assurance.

Top rated by Cooks Illustrated. Great balance. Cuts easily through bones. My first practice ended up with some nice marks in my wooden chopping board. Will last a very, very long time.

Save your chefs knife and use this to cut through bones.

Buy Global G-12 - 6 1/2 inch, 16cm Meat Cleaver Now

I purchased this cleaver about 2 years ago, specifically to hack bones for stock (thank you, Edna Lewis! Best recipe EVER!). Perfect balance, weight, sharpness this cleaver is truly exceptional such a pleasure to use. The current price is kind of a "yikes!" moment, but you get what you pay for. I have no doubt that this cleaver will outlast me, and that's worth 145 bucks. Seriously, I make stock once a month. So in the first year, this cleaver adds $11 for each batch of stock (which still comes out less expensive than that supermarket crap). Over 10 years, it drops to a buck a month. And this cleaver will last much, much longer than 10 years. This is an investment, which is why it will never be available at throwaway Wal-Mart. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Read Best Reviews of Global G-12 - 6 1/2 inch, 16cm Meat Cleaver Here

While this piece lacks the razor sharpness of other Global offerings, it makes up for it by being able to split bone without chipping. I've only used it on poultry to date, but I have no doubt it'd be able to hack through larger game without issue. I still prefer the butcher's bone saw for chops, but when appearances don't count there's no beating the noble cleaver.

Want Global G-12 - 6 1/2 inch, 16cm Meat Cleaver Discount?

This is awesome knife! It's got good heft, and it's more than sharp enough. Being a Japanese knife, the steel is a lot stronger than german knives so the edge will stay sharper longer, but will take more work to bring it back during the sharpening.

Save $0.05 Off


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