Fat Daddio's Cake Slicer / Bread Knife

Fat Daddio's 10-Inch Cake Slicer / Bread KnifeI expected something light that would be hefty enough to get through a cake. Instead this knife is hefty enough for bread.

I've been baking bread in my dutch oven and it gets a nice thick crust. This knife cuts through it easily and has a long stroke to get through my biggest loaves.

I bake my own bread, the machine produces a tasty bread but with uncommon shape which requires a quite long knife to slice.

I expected a typical, Chinese made "supermarket" slicer but it was a pleasant discovery to see it from close.

The blade is made of really thick, inflexible steel, professionally grind serration, with extremely sharp cutting edge.

It reminded me to the old world craftsmanship of bygone centuries.

Highly recommended.

Buy Fat Daddio's Cake Slicer / Bread Knife Now

I've always had a serrated bread knife, but it was too short and too lightweight to get through my crustiest breads without undue effort. I would end up squashing the loaf. This knife, with its 14" blade, and proper heft and weight, is like a dream compared to my old one. I do a lot of baking, including many kinds of breads. I'm weak on upper body strength, so some things are always difficult for me. It didn't seem right that slicing bread should be one of those difficulties, so when I saw the 14" one by Fat Daddio, I jumped at it. I'm glad I did. (I have bought other products from Fat Daddio, and have found them all good, so there was no self-debate on whether to buy from them again!) It's length is perfect. One thing I discovered is that I do not use the thin, flexible poly cutting boards with this knife. I use a regular, thick cutting board. The reason is that at an angle for cutting, the tip could possibly gouge into my countertop with the thin ones. It won't happen with a regular board. (Don't get me wrong: I love the thin, flexible poly boards with all my other knives, just not with this one.)

If this one ever breaks or gets lost, I'll definitely buy it again!

Read Best Reviews of Fat Daddio's Cake Slicer / Bread Knife Here

I really like this cake slicer. It helped me cut the sheetpan cakes straight all the way through the other end.

It was nice and even cut. The blade is so sharp. I would recommend it. Thanks.

Want Fat Daddio's Cake Slicer / Bread Knife Discount?

Always please with products from Daddio's. I make fondant cakes as a side business and this knife works great for leveling cakes 10" in diameter and smaller.

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