A bit of backstory: I'm an avid home baker and one of my favorite things to make is homemade pizza. (I was never jealous of Gwyneth Paltrow, despite the riches, the skinniness, the Academy Award... until I learned she had her very own wood-fired pizza oven in her back yard. That b****. But I digress...)
At any rate, over the past years I've collected 3 different pizza cutters and I really never gave them much thought. One I bought, one was included in the purchase of a pizza stone, and one I've had so long that its origin is clouded in mystery at this point. Garage sale, probably. So I thought I knew from pizza cutters, is my point. When a friend gave me this one, I thanked her politely and added it to the "miscellaneous kitchen tools" drawer with little thought other than "Wow, that's a BIG blade."
But then I used it -it's really NICE! Homemade pizza dough (at least mine) tends to be really thick and chewy. The big wheel cut right through the dough with no problem and no sawing (well, rolling-back-and-forth) necessary. The larger wheel also seemed to allow me to convey more force with less effort, if that makes any sense. I don't know, I got a "C" in 10th grade physics -I just know this badboy cut the pizza really easily. There's a litle "lip" on the handle that lets you hold it close to the blade without worrying that you'll cut yourself. I'd imagine that this would let someone with hand problems (like arthritis, for example) find a comfortable grip and use the strength of their arm to cut w/o requiring a particularly strong grip.
My favorite feature, however, is the way that the wheel detaches from the handle to allow for cleaning (it's super-easy to take apart, but stays together even when pushing hard on the handle). Plus, the handle is plastic, which means you can put the whole thing in the dishwasher. When you pile pizza with everything but the kitchen sink, as I am wont to do, that's a pretty handy feature. It's a good value for the price, too.
Overall, I've officially given this pizza cutter WAY more thought that I've ever imagined possible! As, clearly, did the designers at ::checks item title:: Trudeau. Kudos, guys. This is a keeper.
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