I first found out what these were for when I was working in a Kosher Take out place on 108th Street in Forest Hills, NY, called Berso Kosher Foods. While still in Highschool, I coulsd not wait to get to work and slice up some barbequed chickens with these sheers for our customer at $4.95/hr. It was quite an experience. Now that I am all grown up and make my own rotisserie chicken at home, I like using these same exact sheers to slice up my chicken for my family.

The shears work great for bone and meat. They do not cut skin or fat very well as the blades do not scrap against each other strongly. I will try sharpening the blades and see if that helps.
The one down side is the handle lock is poorly designed but I can live with this.
Buy Fox Run Poultry Shears, Stainless Steel Now
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