I was drawn to the 'automatic' extractors like the Screwpull and their Chinese knock-offs because they seemed quick and easy to use. And for a while they are, but with the new kinds of corks their teflon coating deteriorates and very soon they break.
Plus after the novelty wears off, you look like a nerd opening a bottle of wine.
I did have a number of 'manual' corkscrews that LOOK like the PullParrot, with a 2-stage kind of opening design. But in fact the 'first stage' doesn't really work right, and they essentially only have 'one stage'.
If you look closely at the design you will see the little gizmo halfway down from the 'beak' that is the first stage of the cork extraction. It's got a little spring that moves the gizmo in and out. This is what distinguishes the design from the look-a-likes, which have a single molded in 2-stage stop, that don't really work.
To use the corkscrew, start with a few turns into the cork. Then push out the little spring mounted gizmo, and pull the cork out a little bit. Then let the gizmo retract, re-seat the corkscrew with its main ledge on the top of the bottle and continue the extraction.
The next time you are in a restaurant, look closely and you will see that EVERY waiter in every restaurant uses a corkscrew with this design.
Once you start using this, you will NEVER go back to the big fancy corkscrews.
(I know this review may be confusing, but it's the best I can do.)
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