OXO Good Grips Corn Holders

OXO Good Grips Corn HoldersThese are strong, sturdy corn grips that are durable and extremely comfortable to hold. The two steel prongs grip the corn firmly and do not slip or slide while in use. The holders are comfortable to hold no matter how hard you grip them and are suitable for use by the smallest hands, as well as the largest ones. They wash well and look new, no matter how many times one uses them. These corn grips are a very good value for the price.

Okay, if there's one thing we know in this area besides great pizza, its corn. I KNOW that corn grips aren't on most people's top priority list for kitchen gadgets, but if you're gonna buy 'em, buy the best! Ever dropped your cob because of all that delicious butter all over your hands? Add a couple of Good Grips handles to it, and problem solved! One hint those prongs are REALLY sharp. Stick them in a measuring cup or something to store. Once you stick your hand in your gadget drawer and get jabbed by one of those things, you'll never want it to happen again! Enjoy that corn!

Buy OXO Good Grips Corn Holders Now

To my knowledge, there are two sets of Oxo corn holders -the regular "Good Grips" and the "Steel" lines. The ones I ordered from this page and received from Amazon were the "Good Grips" and they are black and yellow, like a large bumblebee(28381), the photo here is old. The "Steel" ones are black and stainless steel and cost almost twice as much(1050061). They both are great... large and sturdy and I'm satisfied with my Bumble Bees for $6.00. Good product just be aware there are 2 sets and Amazon's set up is a bit confusing. By the way, I store them in a used wine cork in the drawer as they are indeed sharp.

Read Best Reviews of OXO Good Grips Corn Holders Here

I've always found that Oxo brand products for the kitchen are top notch, and these corn holders are no exception. I was surprised to see that they are even heftier than I'd expected. The size ensures it's easy for anyone to hold whether that be children, men with large hands, or even people who suffer from arthritis or other hand problems. And the rubber gripping makes hanging onto the holders easy even with buttery fingers. One of the more ingenious parts is the length of the prongs; Oxo had the common sense to make one prong longer than the other to ensure that both prongs come in contact with the peaked shape of the ear of corn. I highly recommend these!

Want OXO Good Grips Corn Holders Discount?

I love these corn holders . Especially great for little ones hands. But I also use it for something else. And that is apples, when I peel the apple I put the holders on the ends and give it to my 3 year old . No more sticky hands. And she does know not to throw them away!


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