This is from cold steel I think this says more than I ever could about how good these are and exactly what you can expect from them. Cold Steel is the best!
Buy Cold Steel 92FTP FGX Tai Pan, Kraton Handle, Plain Now
I ordered two products from the "Nightshade series" (Tanto & Tai Pan) and was very diappointed. I tried to use it to cut paper. The edge was so dull that it tore the paper rather than cutting it. I realize it is plastic and will never match up to steel, but I did expect it to be a knife and actually have a cutting edge. When I called Cold Steel to complain the CSR I spoke to was no help. I explained that it couldn't cut paper and she said it wasn't meant to. I said when I buy a knife (even a plastic one) I expect it to cut things. She resonded that that it was not possible to get plastic sharp enough to cut things. I immediately took exception. From that point on she referred to the products as "not knives" but instead as "Personal Defense Items." I am dissapointed that no where in their literature is there a disclaimor that says "these are Personal Defense Items."These products have no edge and very little durability. (I could break either with my bare hands without fear of injury). You would get better cutting results form a standard disposable plastic knife, like the kind used at picnics no exaggeration!
Cold Steel says they back only tested, quality products. My experience with this product line puts that claim in serious doubt.
Read Best Reviews of Cold Steel 92FTP FGX Tai Pan, Kraton Handle, Plain Here
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