They're okay for our purposes, but they are significantly lower quality than the Double Helix pattern. For one thing, they are flatter and feel like stamped metal rather than forged. For another, the brand and pattern are printed (!) on the back of the business end of each utensil, rather than engraved in the back of the handle (yes, I thought it was a sticker and tried to peel it off, but apparently that's not the case).
The design is reasonably good, although the forks are a bit pedestrian (one thing I really like about the Double Helix patter is the three-tine fork, rather than the standard four-tine).
All-in-all, it was a relatively inexpensive way to pick up 16 extra spoons for all the tea making and cat feeding that goes on around the house (and it's a great price for a full set of eight place settings), but it wouldn't be my choice for day-to-day flatware.
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