This Wüsthof 4" Utility Knife #8060 made in Solingen, Germany, the home of most world-class cutlery, can be described with just one word: PERFECT! I have owned many knives over many years of working in the kitchen, and never have I owned a small paring knife that was as well made as this one. It will surely outlast me. It has a thin blade that holds a sharp edge almost indefinitely. Speaking of sharp, please be careful -this one has an edge almost like a razor blade. As many of this review may know, knives of dubious quality also represent a danger to the user. Sharp knives are safe knives, and this one surely is a five-star winner in my book.
One more thing: Usually you get what you pay for. This Wüsthof 8060 is worth its price. If you own this one, you may never have to, or want to, buy another utility knife ever again.
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