For the next fifteen years, it received heavy usage around the home until we moved all of my professional cutlery disappeared while in transit with the moving company.
Basically, for twenty-four years this knife received almost everyday usage. It was never resharpened during this time and was either kept in a proper knife block or used only on a wooden cutting board. At the end of this period, I could easily remove a 1/16" slice from a very ripe tomato.
I recently discovered that this piece of cutlery was available on the internet and though disappointed that the "Rosewood" handle was no longer in production (Thanks NSF), and ordered a replacement.
While it has been my experience that a "factory edge" means that they at least tried to grind the blade, this is not the case with this blade. The 2" straight section nearest the handle will shave you as delivered, and the remaining 8" of "Waverly"edge is virtually surgically sharp.
DO NOT get stupid or careless with this knife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It cuts three ways DEEP, WIDE, and CONTINUOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buy one for yourself,store it in a protected location and use it only with a wooden cutting board and expect to give it to one of your children when you pass on.
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