Buy Zyliss Dial-n-Slice Cheese Slicer Now
Like some of the other reviews here, I found that it slices okay until you get to the end of your block of cheese, then it crumbles and breaks off chunks. And then it's not easy to get the chunks out of the blade. The variations in slicing thickness is a nice idea, but I don't care too much about that, I just want something that cuts thin slices of cheese smoothly, without tearing up my block of cheese.I really like this slicer. Unlike the old wire slicers, it cuts evenly and easiliy without bending or snagging.I purchased a Zyliss Dial-a-Slice cheese slicer 4 or 5 years ago and just love it. It's still going strong. I've been giving them to friends as a gift and all have loved it. This is my 7th one and wrapped for a friends birthday. It's easy to use and works extremely well for thin and average slices. If it's a very hard cheese, the largest slicing width works, but I tend to use a sharp knife instead. It's a terrific product.Zyliss Dial-n-Slice Cheese Slicer
Posted by
on Saturday, February 1, 2014
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