"I ordered the 77 piece set that turned out to be Reed and Barton "French Bead," instead of what I thought I was ordering which was Reed and Barton "Country French." I don't know what happened for sure; whether it was my fault or the website. But we were not happy with the product received both from the design standpoint as well as the quality. I can't find record of Reed and Barton ever offering a pattern called French Bead, but if they did, it is an old pattern and nothing they offer on their official company website. I perceive the quality of what was sent to not be on par with our Reed and Barton set of Country French we already have. The design looks "cheaper" to us and not as crisp or detailed. If it is real Reed and Barton and not a "knock off," (who can be sure these days?), then it it would be a good deal at just over $1 per piece for 18/10 steel. Compare that with other Reed and Barton patterns which go around $15 per piece on average. Too good to be true? I don't know. Overstock.com also has this same pattern of French Bead listed so I guess it's legit?
If you order this, be aware that it will arrive in a box with no packaging. Just in loose plastic sleeves, which seems odd to us, if it is indeed legitimate Reed and Barton.
The company is OK with us returning the order, so that's good. If you order, just be aware of what you'll be getting.

I liked the flatware but it came in a very nasty box. It was a gift so I had to wash and repackage the whole set
Buy Reed & Barton French Bead 18/10 Stainless Steel 77 Piece Flatware Set Now
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