I recently purchased this knife from Amazon because I wanted a "smaller" chef's knife to fit my hand. I already own a great Henckel 8" chef knife. This knife, right out of the package, was dull and has a very obvious inferior blade. It doesn't cut well and more than likely could pose a serious danger of cutting your hand or finger. It surprises me that Wusthof would produce something as bad as this knife. So lesson be learned about kitchen knives. Spend the money and don't cheap out thinking you're getting a "great deal" beacuse of brand name attachment to a lousy product. I hope the 1 star classification tells you to stay away.

I own the little 5" chef knife and contend that no good kitchen should bewithout one!My son owns the big 8 piece set of Emeril/Wusthoff knives and they are identical in workmanship with my 5 " one.My"downgrading to "only" 4 stars is due to the lack of a metal ferulewhere the blade meets the handle( this would offset the lack of a bolster that comes only with forged knivesat premium prices. the Emerils do have full tangs rhrough the handle andwill survive manyyears of constant use.Higher prices notwithstanding, forged knives are not necessarily an absolute need in a home kitchen( my 8" Forschner(of Swiss army knives fame is not forged but has survived 30 years of daily use, losing only 3/8 inch of height due to my prequent sharpening on a special 180 grit silicon carbide High speedwheel.I've sharpened thousands of knives proffessionaly and suggest you buy the emeril set plus the little5 inch chef knifeand use thedifference to buy one ofthe CHef choice electric sharpeners.At Amazon's prices, you'llput enjoyement back into your kitchen cutting!and be safer too as even slightly dulled knives are hazardous to your fingers!Note that the steel is German Solingen though the knives are made in China and ifthey'renot as well polished as their Grand Prix brethren, look at the prices! Performance iswhat counts ultimately andthe Emerils deiver that perfectly and they're pretty as a picture too!
Buy Emerilware by Wusthof 5-Inch Cook's Knife Now
wusthof's gourmet line including the emerilware series is one of the best value's on the cutlery market today.. i own this one plus the gourmet santuko and matching asian paring knife in addition to my normal block set and having nothing but praise for these knives.. they are sharp as a razor, keep their edge well and balance well in your hand.. and you can see the quality in the steel, perfect grain throughout without any flaws.. what else can you ask for in a knife.. what lack the sophistication and a bit of balance to the forged series' they make up for in value and function.. perfect for the home chef.. can't recommend them enough
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