Buy Yamazaki Bolo 3-Piece Cheese Set Now
The pieces look good ... but not to impressed with the packaging. The three pieces came in a box with a semi rigid plastic insert with that black fuzzy surface (fake elegance) where each piece fit / lay into (didn't snap of fit snug into place or anything like that would have helped for shipping). There is a clear plastic top that enclosed the box to "showcase" the pieces. However when I received this, the utensils (cheese cutter, etc.) were all gangling around and some of the pieces were scratched (like on the handle). The clear plastic cover of the box was also scratched or muffed up. And with the cheap fuzzy plastic that the pieces (didn't) lay in well if I had sent this as a gift I would not have been at all impressed. As for storage, recommend throwing the box and black fuzzy covered plastic away since it looks cheap and the pieces don't stay in place anyway. The pieces are nicely shaped and work well except I would not have expected them to be scratched. I guess I should return the set but I don't really want to take the time to wrap them back up and go to the post office. If they had been "list price", that would be a different story they'd be back to the seller in a flash or I would't have taken the chance in the first place.Nice looking cheese knives, but the edges were blunt as if they had not been finished at the factory. Firm cheeses like cheddar were mangled not sliced. I used a bench grinder to put an edge on the knives, but that is never as good as a factory edge. Bed Bath and Beyond has a comparable set for a lower price and they come with edges sharp enough to cut cheese.This is going to be a Christmas present but what I saw it looked great.I sent it off,I think they will like it also.Yamazaki Bolo 3-Piece Cheese Set
Posted by
on Wednesday, August 28, 2013
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