Buy Chef Harvey Garnishing for the Beginner, Book and Five Tools Now
ok, this is not top-notch instruments or tools but they can help you garnish some banquets/tables with a more professional and intricate look.the instructions and pictures are lousy, but you can play around
be creative and imaginative it is culinary arts after all.
for a cheap price, they are ok to have.
I used them in a catering class when we were doing fruit/veggie carvings
Read Best Reviews of Chef Harvey Garnishing for the Beginner, Book and Five Tools Here
Before i placed the order i did not get an option to view inside, so i assume the book would of been a little thicker than i imagine, but i am not disappointed.....Want Chef Harvey Garnishing for the Beginner, Book and Five Tools Discount?
The book offers a lot of good, detailed instructions and wonderful pictures. This book should be helpful for any person wanting to learn how to dress up food and bring on the 'wow factor' of a meal.
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