Cai Bao - Vietnamese Amazing Cutting & Slicing Tool

Cai Bao - Vietnamese Amazing Cutting & Slicing ToolThis is not a Vietnamese Cai Bao, this is a copy made in Thailand. It does not cut even soft veggies. It is too heavy and has sharp edges very near the handle. I cannot recommend this item.

I have another knife similar to this one that I use every day making salads, etc so I got this one as a gift for my daughter so she might see how quickly salads can come together very quickly so it's more fun to make them everyday. I use it for celery, cucumbers, red-yellow-green pepper strips, for jicama, zucchini, radishes. Between this knife and a julienne tool I have made some of the most beautiful salads ever. and I do it every single day with my little helpers. I think it's a great item, use it a lot. Sometimes more than once a day, but at least once a day, every day.

Buy Cai Bao - Vietnamese Amazing Cutting & Slicing Tool Now

Doesn't work efficiently. Food gets stuck in the blade and you have to stop to pull it out. It's easier to just use a knife for slicing or a vegetable peeler for peeling.

Read Best Reviews of Cai Bao - Vietnamese Amazing Cutting & Slicing Tool Here

I love new kitchen toys that make my live easier in the kitchen, and this is one of them. Easy to use! Great!

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