Master Cut 2 Triple Tempered Surgical Stainless Steel Knife Set

Master Cut 2 Triple Tempered Surgical Stainless Steel Knife SetThey might claim that they are ever-sharp, but I would consider that the only positive attribute of these knives. You do get a fair number of knives, but nothing special.

On to the negatives. Handles are horrible. Cheap plastic with not even clean edges. They make the knives horribly balanced and feel like the blade could easily break out of the handle.

They say stainless, but are not. As a matter of fact the "stainless" inscription is the first thing that stains almost immediately after first use.

Lastly, the edges appear to be make more for sawing and not cutting. I have yet to find a food that these knives cut well. The steak knives tend to rib steaks apart rather than cut them. Carving a beef roast is impossible, you end up with pulled beef rather than a slice of meat. Chopping is a no go as well and the teeth are too large to allow for good cutting. They really do feel like you are wielding a saw and not a knife.

You can make them work, but if you have a choice, find something else. I would say almost any other knife set has to be better.

I have had a set of master cut now for over 4 years, I needed a bread knife and bought the set for $20 0r $30 and have had them ever since, they are my go-to knives when it comes to situations where I don't want to put my expensive knives in peril. They are not particularly sharp, but at least they stay that way. Great for tough meat, drywall, um... cutting roots still in the ground.... um yeah, they stay as they are, dishwasher safe, nearly indestructible, handy and worth at least $25 not more than $40.

Buy Master Cut 2 Triple Tempered Surgical Stainless Steel Knife Set Now


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