Kyocera Advanced Ceramic Special Edition Legend Series Knives

Kyocera KP Legend Professional Knife, 6.7-InchI love these knives, I have way too many kitchen knives, but these are right there on top. I went from having a simple Revolution set to 12 in a matter of no time. Now as I weed the total knives I own down, I find myself getting rid of mainly steel knives.

That's all I can say. Fantastic! I've used it a couple of months now and has served well. I insist on sharp knives in my kitchen and so far this one has stayed very sharp. I expect it will continue to do so. I've had ceramic knives before and loved them. They weren't this brand though and the handles broke on them although blade was still good. Hopefully not putting it in the dishwasher as instructed will give the handle a longer life. I would definitely purchase this knife again, in fact, I am thinking ahead to next Christmas and a few birthdays and considering making gifts of them along with a bigger knife to go with this one.

Buy Kyocera Advanced Ceramic Special Edition Legend Series Knives Now

Excellent choice, it cuts everything. The product is highly recommended! . . . . . . .. . . .

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