Shun Kaji Fusion Utility Knife, 5-Inch

Shun Kaji Fusion Utility Knife, 5-InchMany people would raise an eyebrow when they find what you have spent on a mere utility knife such as the one being reviewed here. "Hmmm," they would say, "lots of money for so little gain." Well that simply is not true. You actually come out quite ahead investing in such an instrument or tool.

Now I am no professional chef nor am I what you could classify a knife expert in that I do not know all the technical terms, technical data and all that sort of thing and can hardly pontificate over such matters. No, I am down deep rather a simple person whose main focus is on the bottom line; the end results, if you will.

On the other hand, I do cook a lot; have for years and was raised in a home overflowing with good cooks. The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in my home and I pay very close attention to the overall workings of the place. This knife is one of the most used knives in the place. It has multiple uses and the more I have used it, the more uses I come up with.

First, it is extremely sharp and most certainly holds an edge well. While I do touch up work on all of my kitchen knives, I do admit that I frequently have the entire collection professionally sharpened. Why muck about doing something that a professional can do better? A sharp knife is a workable knife whereas a dull knife is a true pain and is actually quite dangerous.

These knives, this one in particular, is extremely well build and fits my hand perfectly. The balance is almost perfect in my opinion and it has that certain feel about it which is very difficult to define, but is never-the-less know it when you feel it...sort of like hitting a golf ball perfectly right on the "sweet spot," it is hard to describe, but you sure know it when it happens.

The angle ratio of the handle and blade are perfect for slicing, dicing, chopping and just about every general type use you can come up with. The knife has a wonderful heft to it..hey, it just feels good.

If this knife is taken care of, as all knives should, it will no doubt last a life time and in fact probably be handed down to the next generation.

Do note that you should not stick this (or any other nice knife) into the dishwasher. Good tools such as this should always be hand washed and great care should be taken with storage. Dishwashers and poor storage, i.e. throwing the knife into a drawer with a bunch of other stuff, creates more dull knives than anything I can imagine.

The price is good here and due to the quality and longevity you are getting, is quite worth it.

This knife is as described by retailer. A great addition to my collection of knives. It works particularly well on vegetables but probably would be fine for any use other than breads.

Buy Shun Kaji Fusion Utility Knife, 5-Inch Now

I don't want to parrot back the words of a previous reviewer so I'll keep this short. This knife is a joy to use. I won't even get into how great it looks (seriously.....I'm more into how well it does the job). Add the fact it can be had for 40% off the suggested price and you've got a real winner. It was shipped in the original Shun package which I like in the event I decide to send it out for the discounted sharpening.

Read Best Reviews of Shun Kaji Fusion Utility Knife, 5-Inch Here


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