Chroma GD-03 Fish Bone Tweezers

Chroma GD-03 Fish Bone TweezersI was really excited for these new tweezers because I previously lost my old ones (which I loved and will order again now) and wanted to see if there was something out there that was better.

Unfortunately, these were probably some of the worst tweezers I have worked with (in terms of price). I have nothing against the company and have not used any of their other products but these tweezers were almost impossible to work with.

I am a sushi chef and on days I cut fish, I will go through 18 salmon, 3 Bass, 50lbs of Tuna, 3 Kampachi, etc. etc. Now when I cut fish, I try to yield as much flesh as I can and to keep everything clean but I also have to be as. efficient. as. possible. These tweezers just got in the way, usually I can de-bone a fillet of salmon in seconds but suddenly with these tweezers, one fillet took 2-3 minutes. Now that may not seem like much but when you have 18 salmon to cut and de-bone... it adds up and time is money.

I was so frustrated during a busy service that I just threw them away, I could not deal with how inefficient these tweezers were because they would not grip, you could put an immense amount of pressure on one bone and it would just keep on slipping. It was very, very frustrating because I was trying to get these fish cut and cleaned so I can help out my fellow co-worker, so I just borrowed his $5 ones that were a little bit better.

I apologize for such a negative review but it reflects how much I felt about these tweezers and for any professionals looking at to buy these, please avoid them. To those who just break down fish every once in awhile and want something pretty to have around, then these are great for you.

I order this a day after we purchased salmon and it had fish bones. Haven't used it yet, because every piece of salmon we buy since the do not have any bones.

Buy Chroma GD-03 Fish Bone Tweezers Now

This product is great. I very well made, sturdy, and easy to use.

Admittedly, I haven't tried any other brands, but it does its job well, and I am very satisfied

Read Best Reviews of Chroma GD-03 Fish Bone Tweezers Here

We received these as a wedding gift, and they have made fish preparation so much easier. The annoying little bones in salmon and halibut fillets come out easily with no damage to the fish. The flat end allows you to get a good grip on the bones with no damage to the flesh of the fish. It really is that easy and makes preparing fish much more appealing!

I've been trying to buy some as Christmas presents, but Amazon is sold out :-(.

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