PME Modelling Tool: Sugarcraft Knife W/ 2 Blades

PME Modelling Tool: Sugarcraft Knife W/ 2 BladesNo problem with the product, a problem with the shipping costing more than the product. After I received the product I found out why

The package is about 2.5 inches by 8.5 inches, but the box it came in is 10 inches by 13 inches and 3 inches high

Are you...the company... out of your Mind? This was shipped to Miami, from there by courier to the Dominican Republic and since we get charged by weight and dimension of the box, it cost me an additional US$32.00 to receive it.

$6.60 for the product + $7.50 shipping + $32.00 shipping

I have bought similar products from other vendors, and they just send the items in a bubble enevelope, cost to receive...US$4.20

One thing is for sure, I will never ever buy another thing from you.


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